
Surveillance will not stop. Conceptualizing immigrants as undesirable individuals that must be excluded,

only serves as a reason to exclude them from society while intensifying methods of control to the whole population. In order to protest these methods, it is necessary to design new devices that will help us maintain our human dignity as much as algorithmically possible.

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COYOTEK is our way of facing our controlled reality by designing products that are needed today to escape current surveillance methods.

It was born from our anxiety of what our future could turn into, an anxiety that let us imagine how far our humanity could be infringed.

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Immigration systems were designed based on the idea of exclusion. In response to this, surveillance methods

have evolved to an extremely specialized and invasive degree, becoming a constant reminder of the lack of civil liberties for immigrants. This social control has become a “normal” part of immigrant’s lives, controlling their culture, identity and movement into the physical and digital spaces. COYOTEK enables new disruptive narratives to help individuals resist this system.

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